Welcome to NACo News Watch — the official media relations blog of the National Association of Counties. We observe and analyze media coverage of the nation's 3,068 counties and NACo so you don't have to.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Counties eye state ballot questions

Charles Taylor writes about 2010 ballot initiatives affecting counties in the lastest County News.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Counties move to ban synthetic ‘Spice’ dope

This is why we read County News, NACo's biweekly newspaper. Who knew about synthetic dope? Add "Spice" to the massive list of challenges counties must address each day.

I Want My CNN

Changes are in the works at the Cable News Network, AKA, CNN. It sounds like they are continuing the basic prime time philosophy of the network, which is straight news and interviews. Of course, Fox News is the prime time ratings winner and has been for a decade with its right-leaning opinionated-based programming. MSNBC and its left-leaning prime time opinionated programming are far behind in the ratings but have made some gains. I think CNN's problem is that by the time 8 p.m. ET rolls around, most Americans who care already know the news of the day, so they much prefer a hearty debate over the issues. I think CNN should have at least one show on in prime time with a McLaughlin Group or Crossfire type roundtable. They could easily pull this off and not be accused of leaning to far left or right.
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